First To Market on New Federal Mandate
By the early 2000s, the use of portable electronic devices in hospitals was becoming a growing concern.  The electromagnetic static discharge from the batteries in these devices could disrupt patient monitoring and support equipment. In 2003, the federal government issued a mandate requiring all computers used within 6 feet of a patient to meet the UL2601-1 compliance standard for medical equipment. Companies would have until 2005 to comply with this mandate.
This mandate put EMS Wireless Healthcare, a manufacturer of clinical computer workstation carts, in a unique position. EMS had decided from the outset to treat their clinical workstation carts as medical devices.  The carts they were currently manufacturing and selling already met the UL2601-1 standard.
To capitalize on this unique selling proposition, EMS asked me to write a white paper for the respected healthcare trade journal, MSP Industry Alert. They then distributed copies of the article during sales calls and at trade shows. 
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